Monday, September 10, 2012

I have returned!

Because: Blaqk Audio's sophomore album comes out tomorrow!!!!!  It's called Welcome to Bright Black Heaven and I really don't think you guys have ANY concept of how bloody excited I am for this. If I could go somewhere at midnight to acquire this disk I would do so. But the only place around here would be Walmart and they sure as hell won't have it. It definitely won't take midnight-stocking priority anyway. So I'll wait until I'm done with classes at 4 (or 5 or 6, depending upon whether or not I'll need to stay for the second movie for my film class) and then drive my fidgety ass to Hot Topic and buy my glorious piece of plastic inscribed with sound waves and decorated with the loveliness that is this band. =D
Why am I not posting this on my other blog? Why because I'll post ABOUT the album tomorrow! =D
I'm double-timing you. Don't take it personally. But I'm bloody excited and want all y'all to know, okay? Jeez. Relax.

Second: I'm officially in my 4th week of classes here at Grand Forks. Here's a dissertation:

I live in a teeny-tiny room with a little blonde girl from Minnesota. This room is smaller than my room last year, which is... sort of upsetting. And the furniture doesn't move, which also kind of sucks. I mean, it does, but... only some of it, and there's really no point to it.
My room is in a suite with two other rooms, one being a single, so I'm in a complex of 5 girls--all of whom are freshman, ftr--sharing one bathroom. Two sinks, one shower and one bathroom, each in separate rooms.
There are three dining centers plus the coffee shop directly across the street from my dorm. I haven't eaten at the dining center in the union yet. Actually, honestly, I haven't even step FOOT in the union yet.

You should know that the food here is actually relatively good. I mean, don't get me wrong: it's cafeteria food. But it's at least palatable. And it doesn't give me deplorable indigestion every time I eat it. Minot did. I'm pretty sure I talked about Minot's food at least once last year. It was awful. I pretty much just quit eating because it never ever ended well. But it's different here. (= I enjoy it. I guess...

I'm taking 19 credits this semester. I'm taking Beginning French 1 (MTWH@10-11), Intro to Logic (MWF@11-12), American Government 1 (TH@11-12.15), Intro to Linguistics (TH@12.30-1.45), Intro to Film (T@2-4; H@2-3) and The Art of Writing Nonfiction (MW@3-4.15). I only have one class on Friday, and I will admit straight up that I have skipped class the last two Fridays in a row. I turned in my homework, though! So at least there's that. I'm not COMPLETELY bad-habiting. Just... mostly.

Seriously, this place makes MSU feel like a freaking community college, and it's not. I mean, it kind of it, but it isn't. I don't want to diminish what goes on in Minot because honestly it's commendable and there are a lot of good things there. But like, holy shit. By the end of my first day of classes here, I had ~100 pages of reading assigned plus other homework. They don't ease you into this shit here, not that they necessarily did in Minot. I dunno; it just feels a lot different. That's not a complaint either, so please don't read it that way.

I think that my Linguistics course is probably my favorite, though. It's just so interesting and I absolutely love it. I can't even explain fully what it is that I love about it. It's the study of language, but it's not the study of literacy. There are some abstract concepts going on here but I just... I love it. It makes me excited.
That right there says that I should probably look into pursuing it but I honestly have no idea what I would do with it, you know what I mean? Like, besides teaching it in a university, what do you DO with a degree in linguistics? So there's that.


Besides all that, there's a Creative Writing Club on Tuesdays in the basement of the Union. I haven't made it to one yet. I had a date the first week I was aware of it and ended up with a Situation when dying my hair last week. But I'm making every effort to get there tomorrow. hahaha.

Right. Date.
Soooooooooooo.... SOMEHOWWWWWWWWWW...... I ended up in a relationship with a friend of mine. And I'm still not entirely certain quite how that happened? But I like it anyway. And I'm not going to get all up into our business just because I'm all... goofy... but I'm definitely aiming for this one to hold out for awhile. Enough of this six-week bullshit, man.
We were derping the internet yesterday and he found this 5-second video about a couple's "one week anniversary" and the guy gave the chick fabric softener cause, you know, she's clingy. Which we thought was hilarious and then instantly segued into "So we just hit a week... what'd you get me?" In jest, obviously.
I enjoy that we are both tactfully blunt people. I enjoy that we're both silly and goofy and derpy and weird and totally hipstery and have things that we're kind of snob-status about and I love that he knows how to CUDDLE. I never thought I would say that, hahaha.
With that... I think I'm going to call quits on the subject because last I knew he still followed my blogs, hahahaha. And... well... (this is embarrassing.) hahaha.

Last week I dyed my hair red. I TRIED to dye it light blonde, but it came out straw yellow. STRAW YELLOW. O_o  Like, that shade of yellow that looks like someone pissed in straw the second you put anything into it or when it's wet. Yeah. That yellow. and that was UNACCEPTABLE. So I dyed it red. Dark red. I like it a lot.
This weekend, my cousin helped me dye the tips of the part that I fauxhawk. It's not a pinkish purple color. I love it. I have to redo the purple though because it was really hard to dye the first time. It'll be easier now. But. yeah. So. Now I have red and fuschia hair and my mom is going to be PISSED this weekend when she sees. Like you don't even know. I'm kind of excited because I think it's funny. (Now... later? Probably not so much.)
Anyway. I'm also pretty much done with my hair being super short like this. I'm going to grow it out. Which... of course... begs the question of "why the fuck did you DYE it then" but whatever. Don't make me demonstrate logic.
"But you're taking a class on--"
"Shhhhh. Shh. Shut up."


So that's what I've got. I have a ton of homework to do for tomorrow but I don't want to do it. I need/want to go for a run but not in the sun and not without my Galaxy Player, which is currently deader than a doornail. I would babble at you in French but I don't have the right keys and I don't feel like doing the accents off the letters. So you'll just have to go without I guess.

Kay bye!
--Emily Renae

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