So I decided at the start of the summer that I was going to completely redo my bedroom. I was gonna paint walls and the floor and the trim and everything. I mean, I was really gonna go at it.
Suffice it to say, it didn't quite happen that way.
I did paint the windowsill and one wall worth of trim the other day, though, so at least I have that.
I'd been cleaning out my room bit by bit all summer. I went a few weeks without doing jack shit, but it's summer, so go figure I didn't wanna work that hard. hahahaha.
plastic storage bins/drawers/thingies. Preferably sans-wheels, but that's me.
They're perfect for keeping like-minded shit together. And considering I have a TON of random odds&ends crap that I don't really want to get rid of but am totally unsure what to do with, these are perfect.
I've actually got all my socks and underwear and bras in one already that I bought while in college. Total lifesaver; I love it.
So go figure I want more of them, right?
Suffice it to say, it didn't quite happen that way.
I did paint the windowsill and one wall worth of trim the other day, though, so at least I have that.
I'd been cleaning out my room bit by bit all summer. I went a few weeks without doing jack shit, but it's summer, so go figure I didn't wanna work that hard. hahahaha.
I completely rearranged my bedroom yesterday. My bed is in the adjacent corner, the dresser is now across the room where my bed used to be and my desk is now occupying the space vacated by my dresser. The closet/wardrobe will have to be returned to the corner where it belongs, but the shelving unit taking up space between desk and closet needs to go. I need a new shelving unit. I really want to buy a bunch of these little...
They're perfect for keeping like-minded shit together. And considering I have a TON of random odds&ends crap that I don't really want to get rid of but am totally unsure what to do with, these are perfect.
I've actually got all my socks and underwear and bras in one already that I bought while in college. Total lifesaver; I love it.
So go figure I want more of them, right?
Only my mom's a touch on the resistant side. But I'm going to get them anyway. She wants my room organized? She'll have to let me organize it in my OCD manner. EVERYTHING HAS TO HAVE ITS OWN DAMN PLACE >.<
I also want to put up shelves behind my door as well. Preferably from pretty low to pretty high up. I'm not entirely certain what it is I think I'll STORE there, buuuuut whatever. Anything works.
I also really wanna take a page out of Hank Green's book and make a bunch of floating bookshelves for stacks of books around my room. The only problem, of course, is that I'll be taking these books with me and then there's a bunch of these random things in this bedroom. HOWEVER! We do have a ton of books around the house that could just as easily be stacked on the walls in my room. I'm not gonna live there forever, after all.
I just have too much stuff for my allotted space. The vast majority of my college stuff is still in the collection of plastic tote boxes I brought it all home in. For real. It's ridiculous. At least when I get my own apartment and move into a completely new space with dedicated areas for genres of objects, I'll be able to actually START organized. That'll help.
As it is, right now I have to bring in most of my stuff back into my room and stack it somewhere so that it's not in my brother's room. This is going to be awful. I need to do some hardcore paring-down.
So that's what I've been doing!
I'll post pictures of the current status later. (I'm currently work and haven't taken pictures yet. So either way they're unavailable. lol)
Anyway. There you have it. My absurdly hectic life.
But it's lunch time now so I'm out.
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